# Create Modules

Modules are stored in vm->_modules and vm->_lazy_modules. They are both dict-like objects.

# Lazy modules

A lazy module is a python source file. It is compiled and executed when it is imported. Use [] operator to add a lazy module.

vm->_lazy_modules["test"] = "pi = 3.14";
import test
print(test.pi)  # 3.14

# Native modules

A native module is a module written in c++ or mixed c++/python. Native modules are always compiled and executed when the VM is created.

To creata a native module, use vm->new_module(Str name).

PyVar mod = vm->new_module("test");
mod->attr().set("pi", py_var(vm, 3.14));

vm->bind(mod, "add(a: int, b: int)",
    [](VM* vm, ArgsView args){
        int a = py_cast<int>(vm, args[0]);
        int b = py_cast<int>(vm, args[1]);
        return py_var(vm, a + b);
import test
print(test.pi)  # 3.14
print(test.add(1, 2))  # 3

# Module resolution order

When you do import a module, the VM will try to find it in the following order:

  1. Search vm->_modules, if found, return it.
  2. Search vm->_lazy_modules, if found, compile and execute it, then return it.
  3. Try vm->_import_handler.

# Customized import handler

You can use vm->_import_handler to provide a custom import handler for the 3rd step.

# Import module via cpp

You can use vm->py_import to import a module. This is equivalent to import in python. Return the module object if success.