# os

# os.getcwd()

Returns the current working directory.

# os.chdir(path: str)

Changes the current working directory to the given path.

# os.listdir(path: str)

Returns a list of files and directories in the given path.

# os.remove(path: str)

Removes the file at the given path.

# os.mkdir(path: str)

Creates a directory at the given path.

# os.rmdir(path: str)

Removes the directory at the given path.

# os.path.join(*paths: str)

Joins the given paths together.

# os.path.exists(path: str)

Check if the given path exists.

# os.path.basename(path: str)

Returns the basename of the given path.

# os.path.isdir(path: str)

Check if the given path is a directory.

# os.path.isfile(path: str)

Check if the given path is a file.

# os.path.abspath(path: str)

Returns the absolute path of the given path.

# Other functions

You can add other functions to os module via normal binding if you need them. For example, add os.system:

PyVar mod = vm->_modules["os"];

vm->bind(mod, "system(cmd: str) -> int", [](VM* vm, ArgsView args){
    const char* cmd = py_cast<CString>(vm, args[0]);
    int code = system(cmd);
    return py_var(vm, code);