Efficient general-purpose 2D array.
Source code
from typing import Callable, Literal, overload, Iterator
from linalg import vec2i
Neighborhood = Literal['Moore', 'von Neumann']
class array2d_like[T]:
def n_cols(self) -> int: ...
def n_rows(self) -> int: ...
def width(self) -> int: ...
def height(self) -> int: ...
def shape(self) -> vec2i: ...
def numel(self) -> int: ...
def is_valid(self, col: int, row: int) -> bool: ...
def is_valid(self, pos: vec2i) -> bool: ...
def get[R](self, col: int, row: int, default: R = None) -> T | R:
"""Get the value at the given position.
If the position is out of bounds, return the default value.
def render(self) -> str: ...
def all(self: array2d_like[bool]) -> bool: ...
def any(self: array2d_like[bool]) -> bool: ...
def map[R](self, f: Callable[[T], R]) -> array2d[R]: ...
def apply(self, f: Callable[[T], T]) -> None: ...
def zip_with[R, U](self, other: array2d_like[U], f: Callable[[T, U], R]) -> array2d[R]: ...
def copy(self) -> 'array2d[T]': ...
def tolist(self) -> list[list[T]]: ...
def __eq__(self, other: object) -> array2d[bool]: ... # type: ignore
def __ne__(self, other: object) -> array2d[bool]: ... # type: ignore
def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[tuple[vec2i, T]]: ...
def __repr__(self) -> str: ...
def __getitem__(self, index: vec2i) -> T: ...
def __getitem__(self, index: tuple[int, int]) -> T: ...
def __getitem__(self, index: tuple[slice, slice]) -> array2d_view[T]: ...
def __getitem__(self, index: tuple[slice, int] | tuple[int, slice]) -> array2d_view[T]: ...
def __getitem__(self, mask: array2d_like[bool]) -> list[T]: ...
def __setitem__(self, index: vec2i, value: T): ...
def __setitem__(self, index: tuple[int, int], value: T): ...
def __setitem__(self, index: tuple[slice, slice], value: T | 'array2d_like[T]'): ...
def __setitem__(self, index: tuple[slice, int] | tuple[int, slice], value: T | 'array2d_like[T]'): ...
def __setitem__(self, mask: array2d_like[bool], value: T): ...
# algorithms
def count(self, value: T) -> int:
"""Count the number of cells with the given value."""
def count_neighbors(self, value: T, neighborhood: Neighborhood) -> array2d[int]:
"""Count the number of neighbors with the given value for each cell."""
def get_bounding_rect(self, value: T) -> tuple[int, int, int, int]:
"""Get the bounding rectangle of the given value.
Returns a tuple `(x, y, width, height)` or raise `ValueError` if the value is not found.
def convolve(self: array2d_like[int], kernel: array2d_like[int], padding: int) -> array2d[int]:
"""Convolve the array with the given kernel."""
def get_connected_components(self, value: T, neighborhood: Neighborhood) -> tuple[array2d[int], int]:
"""Get connected components of the grid.
Returns the `visited` array and the number of connected components,
where `0` means unvisited, and non-zero means the index of the connected component.
class array2d_view[T](array2d_like[T]):
def origin(self) -> vec2i: ...
class array2d[T](array2d_like[T]):
def __new__(
n_cols: int,
n_rows: int,
default: T | Callable[[vec2i], T] | None = None
): ...
def fromlist(data: list[list[T]]) -> array2d[T]: ...
class chunked_array2d[T, TContext]:
def __new__(
chunk_size: int,
default: T = None,
context_builder: Callable[[vec2i], TContext] | None = None,
): ...
def chunk_size(self) -> int: ...
def __getitem__(self, index: vec2i) -> T: ...
def __setitem__(self, index: vec2i, value: T): ...
def __delitem__(self, index: vec2i): ...
def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[tuple[vec2i, TContext]]: ...
def __len__(self) -> int: ...
def clear(self) -> None: ...
def world_to_chunk(self, world_pos: vec2i) -> tuple[vec2i, vec2i]:
"""Convert world position to chunk position and local position."""
def add_chunk(self, chunk_pos: vec2i) -> TContext: ...
def remove_chunk(self, chunk_pos: vec2i) -> bool: ...
def move_chunk(self, src_chunk_pos: vec2i, dst_chunk_pos: vec2i) -> bool: ...
def get_context(self, chunk_pos: vec2i) -> TContext | None: ...
def view(self) -> array2d_view[T]: ...
def view_rect(self, pos: vec2i, width: int, height: int) -> array2d_view[T]: ...
def view_chunk(self, chunk_pos: vec2i) -> array2d_view[T]: ...
def view_chunks(self, chunk_pos: vec2i, width: int, height: int) -> array2d_view[T]: ...